• rkarya369@gmail.com
  • +91 95536 53520

Abouts Us - Arya Samaj services in Hyderabad

Arya Samaj Marriage is provide a complete range of Arya Samaj marriage, Arrange Marriage like Marriages, court marriages, Inter religion Marriage, love marriages,Marriage Certificate, Marriage Registration, Inter Cast Marriage, Certificate related services in Telugu and hindi in Hyderabad.

Arya Pratinidhi Sabha America is a central body representing all Arya Samajs and Vedic Temples of North America. It was formed under the state of Michigan Charter in 1991. The purpose of this organization is to form and maintain a network of communication and ideas between Arya Samaj/Vedic Organizations, in USA, Canada and other parts of North America to follow and propagate Hindu-Vedic religion. The Arya Samaj is a society that cultivates strong ethical and moral values as well as advocates peaceful and productive human living. The organization is a global community whose members wish to be noble and are united in their unwavering devotion to the Universal Truth. The society promotes love, justice and righteousness towards all, irrespective of race, caste or creed, and follows the principles espoused in the Vedas, which are universally true for all of mankind.

Arya Samaj was established by Swami Dayanand Saraswati in the year 1875 to get rid of social evils of Hindu society. Arya Samaj is a bona fide Hindu-Vedic organization. It is non-denominational authentic Hindu-Vedic religious organization dedicated to remove superstition, orthodoxy and social evils such as un-touchability etc., from society. It is established to propagate true pristine knowledge enshrined in Vedas. To educate women and downtrodden of society, Arya Samaj opened many educational institutions such as schools, colleges, technical institutions such as medical and engineering colleges and universities. It encouraged Hindu interdenominational marriages and also widow remarriages.

Arya Samaj intellectuals and followers successfully achieved the goals of bringing equality of all sections of society and helped achieve the independence of India from British rule. Wherever Hindus migrated in the world, they established Arya Samaj. Arya Samaj is pure Hindu organization that teaches the true Vedic religion the basics of Hindu religion. Now a days Arya Samaj can be found in Singapore, Bali Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Fiji, Australia, Mauritius, Kenya, South Africa, Caribbean countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Surinam , Guyana, Canada, UK, and of course in the USA.